rpt phase two curriculum
If you're ready to begin Phase 2 of becoming a Registered Play Therapist (RPT), here's where to start!!!

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The Michigan Play Therapy Training Academy offers workshops on a variety of play therapy topics. These 2021 workshops are ALL ONLINE AND LIVE. Sign up for one workshop ... or a whole series. Register for what works best for YOU. The Phase Based Curriculum is only created to help you on your process for becoming an RPT ... but you can take the classes in ANY order!
Due to COVID-19 health concerns, these one-time, online events have been approved by APT for a total of 35 hrs CONTACT CE Hours (APT approved provider 15-407).
The training will follow APT's guidelines for current training conditions ... which means the workshop will be live and interactive, there will be no more than 40 participants, and each workshop will include a post-test for attendees that must be taken and passed to earn the contact hours within 2 weeks of the training.
All trainings are taught by Laura Hutchison, PsyD, LP, RPT/S.
Obtain your 25-30 hours of theory training from an approved provider that focuses on your central theory of study (not a part of MiPTTA). Here are some suggestions (but definitely not an exclusive list!:
Adlerian - LEAPT https://leapt.arlo.com/
CCPT - UNT Center for Play Therapy https://cpt.unt.edu/center-play-therapy
CBPT - https://cognitivebehavioralplaytherapy.com/en/training/
Filial - https://risevanfleet.com/shop/product/intensive-filial-therapy-training-program/
Gestalt - http://westcoastinstitute.us/
Theraplay - https://theraplay.org/
This leaves you needing 30-45 more hours in phase 2 which you can receive from MiPTTA.
Live Trainings with MiPTTA
(for an overview of each training and learning objectives click on the title of the presentation)
Game On!: Creating & Using Games in Play Therapy
(4 contact hours in skills)
Greatest Mistakes in Play Therapy
(2 contact hours in special topics)
Feelings Activities: Identification & Regulation in Play Therapy
(3 contact hours skills)
Self-Concept: Helping Kids Learn about Themselves in Play Therapy
(3 contact hours in skills)
Helping kids with Angry Feelings through Play Therapy
(2 contact hours in skills)
Worry Wonders: Play Therapy Techniques to Tame Anxiety
(2 contact hours in skills)
Chill Out!: Play Therapy Strategies to Cope with Big Feelings
(2 contact hours in skills)
Why Can’t we Be Friends?: Social Skills in Play Therapy
(2 contact hours in skills)
Confidence Corner: Helping Kids Raise their Self-Esteem
(2 contact hours in skills)
Battling Burnout: Effective Moments in Play Therapy
(2 contact hours in special topics)
Putting it All Together: Play Therapy Case Conceptualization & Treatment Planning
(6 hours in skills)
30 total training hours
Skills = 28
Special Topics = 2
*PLEASE DEFER to APT for any questions regarding the process of becoming an RPT!*
Continuing Education for Play Therapy
The Michigan Play Therapy Training Academy is approved by the Association for Play Therapy to sponsor continuing education specific to play therapy and maintains responsibility for the program. APT Approved Provider 15-407.
Full attendance is required. Continuing education verification is handed out to participants following the training. If you have questions regarding continuing education, learning objectives, agenda, grievance issues please contact Laura Hutchison at playdr@gmail.com.