MiPTTA Supervision Intensive
Friday, January 31 - Saturday, February 1

This 2 day in person training offers 14 contact play therapy instruction hours specific to play therapy supervision instruction. It's a great way to work towards becoming a Registered Play Therapist Supervisor (RPT-S) or maintenance of the credential. Attend both days ... or pick the specific trainings you'd like to attend.​
All trainings are taught by Laura Hutchison, PsyD, LP, RPT/S.
(APT Approved Provider 15-407). Any questions? Contact me at playdr@gmail.com
Trainings will be held at 26105 Orchard Lake Rd, Farmington Hills, MI 48334
Supervision Training Schedule
9am-12pm & 1pm-4pm Models, Theories, & Techniques of Play Therapy Supervision (6 contact hours, Supervision, $150)
4:30pm-6:30pm Clinical Issues in Play Therapy (2 Supervision, $50)
9am-12pm Using Play to Assess Play Therapy Supervisees (3 contact hours, Supervision, $75)
1pm-4pm Support for the Play Therapist (3 Supervision, $75)
Continuing Education for Play Therapy
The Michigan Play Therapy Training Academy is approved by the Association for Play Therapy to sponsor continuing education specific to play therapy and maintains responsibility for the program. APT Approved Provider 15-407.
Full attendance is required. Continuing education verification is handed out to participants following the training. If you have questions regarding continuing education, learning objectives, agenda, grievance issues please contact Laura Hutchison at playdr@gmail.com.
Training Details
Models, Theories, & Techniques
of Play Therapy Supervision
This 6 hour workshop will overview important aspects of providing play therapy supervision. It will explore different models and theories of supervision, as well as discuss the importance of clarifying types of supervision one is utilizing. In addition, it will
cover useful paperwork to utilize when beginning a new supervisory relationship. Participants will learn the 3 primary goals of supervision and get hands on experience of integrating play therapy & creative expression techniques into play therapy supervision.
Identify different models, theories, & types of play therapy supervision
Identify important documents to utilize in play therapy supervision.
State the 3 primary goals of play therapy supervision
Identify key play therapy supervision interventions.
Clinical Issues in Play Therapy Supervision
This 2 hour workshop will highlight one's own experience of being supervised, as well as the experience of supervising others. The focus will be to enlighten ones awareness of the type of supervisor they want to be and ways to keep open eyes, heart, and mind to any diversity issues that may arise during supervision.
Demonstrate the ability to be reflective of one's own supervision experience
Identify at least one new awareness of self as supervisor.
State the 3 ways to be a culturally responsive supervisor.
Identify key play therapy supervision interventions.
Using Play to Assess
Play Therapy Supervisees
This 3 hour workshop utilize a variety of play therapy interventions to help supervisors assess those they supervise. Using play therapy interventions in this manner is a wonderful way to teach supervisees interventions to use with their own clients - as well as allow the supervisor to assess the developmental, education, and experience levels; self-awareness; mental health & self-care strategies, ability to conceptualize a case; assessment skills; and play therapy competencies.
Identify the importance of using play within play therapy supervision
State the play therapy competencies outlined by APT
Identify key play therapy supervision interventions.
Support for the Play Therapy Supervisor
This 3 hour workshop will be a discussion group to review common mistakes made in play therapy supervision, as well as highlight ways for supervisors to cope with and "download" the culminating effects of hearing about a large amount of cases. The importance of self-care and different strategies will be reviewed.
Identify 3 types of mistakes that are common in play therapy supervision
Identify understanding about burnout & vicarious stress as it relates to specifically play therapy supervision.
Identify 3 self-care strategies.
All cancellations must be made 24 hours in advance. Participants will be given a credit towards a future training to be used within 2 years of the original training date (no cash refunds).
No shows or missed trainings will receive no refund or credit. You may send another attendee in your place.
No partial CE credit is available.
All trainings are subject to sufficient registration.
Should the Michigan Play Therapy Training Academy need to cancel a training we will make every attempt to notify paid registrants in a timely manner. All paid registrants will receive a full refund.
Michigan Play Therapy Training Academy only assumes liability for the registration portion of any training. All other costs are the responsibility of the registrant.